Hello, I Am
Sandra N. Morgenstern

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I am

a postdoctoral researcher at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) at the chair of Migration and Integration at the University of Mannheim and part of the DeZIM-research community. 

I have a Ph.D. (Dr. rer. soc) from the University of Konstanz where I was part of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences and the Comparative Politics Research Group, and degrees from Pompeu Fabra Barcelona and the University of Mannheim. Most recently I was a guest researcher at the department of „Integration“ of the German Center for Migration and Integration (DeZIM) research. Previously, I was an academic visitor at COMPAS Oxford, University of California LA (UCLA), and the University of Bergen (UiB).

My work is situated within the disciplines of Sociology and Political Economy, with a particular focus on migration. I am interested in international migration policies, migration decision-making, the role of gender and gender inequalities in migration, the exploitation of (labour) migration intentions (keywords: smuggling and human trafficking), migration movements and the multiple impacts of diversity in societies, and policies to promote tolerance and solidarity. Methodologically, I am committed to causal inference research using experimental designs and advanced statistical modelling, and aim to combine in-depth fieldwork (Nigeria, Tanzania, online international) with large-N quantitative research.

I have created a series of short videos on advanced academic practices (here) in a teaching project funded by the foundation for innovative teaching, free to use for other teachers or students. I am very grateful to have received the 2023 Sociology and Political Science Students‘ Teaching Award and the universities Open Science Grant for role model projects. 



  • April 2024: Live at Deutschlandfunk Radio 
  • January-March 2024: On-site at DeZIM, Berlin  (<- let’s meet)