Hello, I Am
Sandra N. Morgenstern

Reach out to me
- Email: sandra.n.morgenstern@gmail.com
- Uni Email: morgenstern@uni-mannheim.de
- Traditional Mail: MZES, University of Mannheim, A 5, 6 Building B – 102, 68159 Mannheim
Social media
Articles relevant for policy makers and implementers
Seit der sogenannten Migrationskrise 2015 werden als Mittel der Europäischen Außenpolitik verstärkt Informationskampagnen zu Migration in potenziellen Herkunftsländern eingesetzt. Sie sollen das Bewusstsein für irreguläre Migration bei potentiellen Migrant*innen steigern und entsprechendes Verhalten verringern. Die Politik der Migrationsinformationskampagnen ist umstritten – bezüglich der Art an Informationen, ihrer Effektivität, aber auch ihrer Umsetzung aus ethischer Perspektive. Können derartige Kampagnen junge Erwachsene zum Umdenken bewegen? Und falls ja, wie?
Since the so-called migration crisis in 2015, European foreign policy has increasingly used migration information campaigns to raise awareness among potential migrants about the topic of irregular migration and to reduce their intentions to migrate irregularly. However, this policy is controversial – regarding the type of information conveyed, its effectiveness, and its implementation from an ethical perspective. Can such campaigns make young adults think differently? And if so
Information campaigns designed to raise awareness of the potential risks of (irregular) migration have attracted much attention and investment across the world in recent years. Studies have repeatedly shown that many migrants start their journeys with limited or biased information and end up in vulnerable situations. In response, information campaigns have increased in number and the type, format, messages and strategy of such campaigns have diversified. This report presents the results from a systematic literature review of evaluations of such information campaigns in the field of migration.
Talks & Presentations
- Deutschlandfunk Agenda, Flüchtlingsstadt Espelkamp – Ein Vorbild für Integration heute? Live 17.04.2024 [article, programme]
- International Human Trafficking & Smuggling (2023), 75 years of Human Rights in the Global context [programme], Kulturtreff Stuttgart, Germany
- Migration & Information Campaigns (2022, invited), IDEAL-M Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) Project of the EU, NGO MIGRAFRICA, Cologne, Germany
- European Conference Diaspora Protection Information for Afghans at Risk (2022, invited), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Amsterdam, Netherlands
- EUMigraTool Symposium (2021, invited), European Union Horizon 2020 Project, virtual
- Social Research Methods Conference (2020, invited), Migration and Border Analysis, UK Home Office
- Conference on Migration and Communication – Information Campaigns in Countries of Origin & and Transit (2019, invited), European Migration Network (EMN), Vienna, Austria
Collaborations with NGOs in research projects
In my research projects I enjoy collaborating with experts on the ground, such as policy or project implementing NGOs. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.
In my dissertation I collaborated with a bi-national German-Nigerian NGO, beginning 2023 in my field work in Tanzania with a local NGO and I am in an ongoing project with an international NGO based in Denmark.